MOHAIR and ALPACA Offcut Bag - 400g

MOHAIR and ALPACA Offcut Bag - 400g
Mohair and Alpaca fabric is so expensive that I just can't bare to part with the little offcut pieces left over after cutting out bear patterns. I've been stock piling my extensive collection of bits and pieces for years now, and have more then I'll ever be able to use.
These bags weigh just over 400g each, and contain lots of very small pieces of mohair and alpaca in long piles, short piles, curly piles, straight piles, dense, sparse, hand-dyed, tipped, rainbows etc etc. They would be great if you make little bears and just need fur for tail tips, ears, lion manes, Mohawks etc. Or if you make patchwork teddies or need little pieces as hair for dolls.
Colours are selected at random, but we have done our best to add as much variety to each pack as possible.
*** Mohair and alpaca fur fabrics vary in weight from 500g-1000g per meter when purchased off the roll to give you a comparison point for how much is in each bag ***